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2.9 Put Open NetCDF File into Define Mode: ncmpi_redef

The function ncmpi_redef puts an opened netCDF file into define mode, so dimensions, variables, and attributes can be added or renamed and attributes can be deleted.

Operational Mode

This API is a collective routine: all processes must provide the same value for ncid.

This API must be called while the file is in data mode, either collective or independent.


int ncmpi_redef(int ncid);

netCDF ID, from a previous call to ncmpi_open or ncmpi_create.

Return Error Codes

ncmpi_redef returns the value NC_NOERR if no errors occurred. Otherwise, the returned status indicates an error. Possible causes of errors include:


Here is an example using ncmpi_open to open an existing netCDF file named and calling ncmpi_redef to enter the define mode:

#include <pnetcdf.h>
int err, ncid;
err = ncmpi_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "", NC_WRITE, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ncid);
if (err != NC_NOERR) printf("Error: %s\n",ncmpi_strerror(err));
err = ncmpi_redef(ncid); /* enter define mode */
if (err != NC_NOERR) printf("Error: %s\n",ncmpi_strerror(err));

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