Apriori For icc 8.1 and 9.1 1) Database.C Change #include and to #include and 2) Itemset.h Change #include to #include 3) No_output_parapr.C Change #include and to #include and Insert transaction *dataset to line 28 4) pardp.h Insert using namespacestd; to line 18. Insert extern transaction* dataset; to line 19. For gcc if you need no OpenMP feature, wrap #ifdef OPENMP and #endif statements for the openmp calls (eg. omp_set_num_threads) in all the files 1) Database.C line 1, delete the following lines #include #include 2) Database.h delete line 4 #include 3) Itemset.h replace line 4 with #include 4) no_output_parapr.C replace line 4 with #include replace line 6 with #include replace line 15 with #include add the following in line 22 transaction* data_set; 5) pardhp.h add the following in line 11 using namespace std; replace line 19 with the following extern transaction *data_set; 6) Makefile replace 1st line with g++ -fopenmp -g For newer versions of ICC and GCC 4.2 and later, the HashTree.C line 75-76 needs to be changed to omp_destrop_lock instead of omp_unset_lock. Semphy and PLSA For icc 8.1 and 9.1 Change makefile.omp GCC line from icc to icpc SVM_RFE For icc 8.1 and 9.1 Change makefile.omp GCC line from icc to icpc Library inclusion in makefile needs to be changed to your installation of MKL. Genenet and SNP For icc 7.1 and 8.1 In source directory c_pgmtk, delete all references to examples and tests in the makefile. First make pnl then genenet. If there are compilation issues, try running ./configure.icc in pnl source directory. PLSA For gcc 2.95, 3.2, 3.4.5 Change makefiles icc to gcc, icpc to g++ In parallelswalgorithm.cpp, comment out #include , comment mm_pause and getcyclecount parts In common.h change #include to ifdef style. Rsearch For gcc 3.4.5 In stats.c uncomment #define OPENMP Change makefile to link math library (-lm) Utility For gcc 2.95 Insert #include to utility.c For newer versions of ICC and GCC 4.2.x and newer versions line 76-77 of Hashtree.cc needs to be changed to omp_destroy_lock instead of omp_unset_lock. HOP For gcc 2.95, 3.2, 3.4.5 Move definition of double and timing in para_hop.c to the top of the code Move definition of i on line 66 in hopsmooth.c to the top of the code.